Has it really been six months since I've written?
My goodness, how time flies. Australia is a beautiful place, and I suppose time gets away from you.
So much has happened in these last few months:
Bruce and I celebrated our beautiful wedding reception
*sigh* So much beauty.
Bruce continues to work as an engineer in the workshop at the end of the property (and in my estimation) gets handsomer by the day:

And after a brief stint (and I DO mean brief) working for a company that produces court and evidence transcripts, I was hired into my dream job - as a school chaplain at Samford State school.
I am so blessed that my walk to work (yes, I am one of the priviledged few that get to walk to work) is a 20 minute stroll through the back woods. Apart from having to beat off the blowflies, spider webs and snakes, the walk is a tranquil and peaceful beginning and end to the day.
Bruce and I live in a fairy-tale cottage

.....(front view)...........
and despite the fact that the fairy tale is actually "Shrek":

.......................................................shouldn't show you)..........................................
we are very happy here.
So are the snakes in the roof and the toilet, but that's another blog.
So there you are, all caught up. I'll post more regularly now because I know you all can't get enough snake in the toilet stories....
Catch you later!
"Snakes in the Toilet", I'm sure Samuel L. Jackson is clamouring to star in that one.
good for you :)
wonderful photos
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