Tuesday, January 02, 2007


i am noticing that while i am trying to shed a few pounds before meeting bruce for the first time in person (sue me, i am a girl), i am having little success. clearly this is for one reason and one reason alone:

every ounce of body fat wants to meet him too.

and so, apparently, do my gray hairs. as a matter of fact, they seem to be particularly excited about meeting him as they have begun telling their friends to show up early and get a good seat.

addendum: should i be worried?


Blogger AMackid said...

(and before anyone jumps on me: if you can't laugh at your anxieties, then you need to get better ones '-))

4:32 PM  
Blogger Brock said...

before you panic - remember the webcam adds 4.535924 kilograms, so you are ahead before you even start.

6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"if you can't laugh at your anxieties, then you need to get better ones"

Funny...I really like that. Good advice, lol ;)

Good luck with your move to Australia. Wish you the best of luck

Ahhh....Before you know it you'll be speaking like you were indigenous to the place ;-)

6:40 PM  
Blogger IntricateGirl said...

"addendum: should i be worried?"

I'm thrilled. I've spoken with Bruce before, and I understood almost everything he said. lol "Having a go" means something very different here. Just don't say "Good on ya" to me because I'll pull out my worst pun. You know WHO I'm talking about, and you know I'll do it!

Come visit me. I've got spa gift certificates and I know how accomplish amazing things with hairdye. :D

4:37 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I found your 4 pounds..... it kept me up all night .... banging around the kitchen.

sigh ..... "4 pounds" I guess has moved in and we have aptly named this new member of the family "four pounds". I am show that we will grow to love them as one of our own...

However Please so not lose any more of these pound characters .... we have enough pets thank you....


Lil sparow

9:08 PM  

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