The Colledges Go to Ikea
We went shopping today to an Ikea on the south side of Brisbane that dwarfed most airports. After a half hour in the carpark, looking for (and finding) a park near the entrance (but nowhere near the exit, curiously) and a VERY large plate of Swedish meatballs and flugenshnugen, we set off on what was to be a three-hour tour.
We were determined to find a gift for the three-year old son of friends of ours - a three year old that drives mind you - and we couldn't decide on the stuffed rat or the stuffed spider....

or the psychotic beaver:

We were going to get a really cute Graben-Knacknurl for my mother, but we couldn't decide on a colour.
And Bruce didn't want to take these off...

I vote for the psychotic beaver... :P
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