advice needed
some miserable bastard a very dear friend of mine on the gold coast recently sent me something in the mail that i can't believe made it past homeland security i am at a loss as to what to do with.
from the smell, i initially thought "dead wombat", but it appeared to be something rather more sinister than even that. it came in the kind of overly cheerful package generally reserved for suppositories and head cheese; and when i cracked it open it appeared to be filled with a goopy, black, tar like substance.
so far, though, its proven to be quite useful! i've managed to waterproof my boots with it, winterize my tires, touch up the grout between the kitchen tiles and substitute it for toad's blood in a curse i am levelling on my neighbour fix the rip in my pvc raincoat.
there is just one thing i don't quite understand: as i read the package for usage instructions and first aid warnings i notice that it says "41kj per 5 gm serving".
any idea what that might mean??? what IS this crap anyway???

Vegemite: One of the world's best known sources for Vitamin B. thanks....i'll stick to peanut butter & jelly, if that's okay with you... ;)
Don't soak in it
P.S. ...
Can you post more photos of where you have been?
You see .... I belong to an club....
the Benradette La Croix chearleading A. Mackid fan club!
... and um ... we have been looking at your photos ....
and er...
finding the locations....
and um....
going to them....
we figured we may bump into you, and well...
we haven;t yet...
However this is what we do on Fridays and Friday is around the corner and we have the bus rented and we have the cheetos and fresca ... and those little bendy straws that we love... and we have all picked an outfit which could be yours ...and all had our hair done to llok like yours.... but we don't have a location yet .... oh A. MAckid.... give us a destination .... the drag queens are waiting with anticipation....
Or ... I guess we could just go watch the rocky horror picture show with your mom again ....sigh ..she is so embarrassing when she gets up onto that stage...
A sign ...
Waiting for a sign....
Now I'm having '80s 'Men at Work' flashbacks thank-you-very-much.
Vegemite is a highly concentrated super-food.
Created in Australia, laboratory tests showed Vegemite to have 600% more vitamins than any other substance on earth, by volume.
It is, in fact, so powerful that only the mighty Australians can handle its awesome nutritional force:
* Australian Astronauts are given jars of Vegemite to survive winter in the lonely vacuum of space.
* Roman General Russell Crowe enjoys eating Vegemite on toast.
* Post-Apocalyptic Hero Mel Gibson has a horseshoe kidney.
* Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin used Vegemite to temper his venom-rich blood.
* Phar Lap won 37 of the 51 races in which he started, including fourteen in a row in 1930-31.
* Olivia Newton-John's biggest hit was "Physical" which spent 10 consecutive weeks at #1 on Billboard's Hot 100. This amazing "Physical" stamina was largely attributable to Vegemite.
Wow...and all this time I thought that Vegemite was a not-so-great-tasting Australian food....when actually it is clearly, based on your findings, an unidentifiable substance.... ;-)
Well, i guess i really shouldn't be least it's healthy..apparently Americans have increased the fat content in every food known to man... ;) except for Vegemite...but it's only a matter of time before we de-healthatize (yes i know that's not a word ;P ) that as well........... ;-)
(bad experience. very. bad. experience.)
It's actually not too bad on hot buttered toast.
Note that this theoretically Australian goop is made by Kraft.
Note also that the main ingredients of vegemite are a by product of beer brewing.
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