i love catherine willows
(and not just marg helgenberger - the actor that plays her on CSI that is. )
and what's not to love?
in ten years - i want to be her.
see, catherine willows is everything i am: a single, working woman supporting her family.
she is also everything i wish i were: gorgeous, well-educated, professional, sexy, independent, mature, logical, and scientific with strong leadership skills and a butt you can bounce quarters off.
but more than that - she has really great hair.
i watch CSI in awe. i ask myself, how is that a gorgeous, sexy woman can kneel over the rotting corpse of a man that's had his head ripped off by rampaging squirrels, or the body of a woman drowned by her crack-addicted adopted daughter in a rootbeer float, or the cadaver of two circus clowns mashed to chunky salsa in a mafia meat grinder and look so utterly fantastic.
night after night, grissom is short-handed (God only knows why - that crime lab is staffed by every ex-star trek fanboy in the state of nevada), so he calls catherine, and after a long day of scraping things and collecting samples and sniffing guns she can still rush out to a crime scene with a head of hair that is at once bouncy, shiny and perfectly coiffed.

i have at least two hours each morning to do my hair and still i cannot achieve that look of tousseled strawberry-blond glory.
i spend hours each night watching CSI trying to understand and absorb the sheer perfection, the extrodinary flawlessness of catherine's hair (while still trying to decide whether to waste some drool on warwick, nick or (heaven help me) "le grissom" himself) and yet i simply cannot achieve the unbelievable fabulousness of catherine willow's hair.
i buy all the right products: i gloss, i ice shine, i deep condition, i towel dry, i revivify, i flowby, i hot roll, i spritz, spray and sproing my naturally wavy hair, but where catherine's look is says "dead sexy professional woman with it aaall together"....
my look simply says "village idiot"

all that's missing is the straw and a few fetchingly placed twigs......
Yes, but there's specialists doing her hair...Now, what do you think she, or any actor/actress or celebrity for that matter, really looks like?
Exactly. It can't be pretty...
But that doesn't mean I can't gawk at Ryan Gosling... ;)
thanks AB...you listened to my 'blog block' difficulties and gave me inpsiration. Marg! Now all I need is to take a picture of her next time I'm in L.A. ...
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a. something tells me you'd go crazy with people chasing you around with rollers and hairspray all day
b. grissom might be older, but he is freaking dead sexy.
hahahahahahaha ....
YOU NEVER look like thta in real life.... :)
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