Saturday, September 02, 2006

*sigh* WHY am i single??

having immersed myself in, i have been flooded with the ubiquitous ((Adj) "Anywhere at any time") and inevitable ((adj) incapable of being avoided or prevented; "the inevitable result") question of "hey, babe, how you doing. what you up to this weekend?"

well, in the interest of honesty, i try to be, well.......honest in my reply:

hmmm...well. lets see... my friend kevin made me dinner last night (meatloaf, potatos, rice and veggies - God bless the germans!) then we watched "poseidon" starring kurt russell.

so i learned about "rogue waves"; about how they were no longer a myth, and how the main areas of defense were prediction and avoidance, and an increased emphasis in structural integrity in the architecture phase of sea-going vessels.

but then i started to wonder about the practicality of emasuculating the rogue wave itself; which got me on to waveform theory, which got me on to integral, differential and lambda calculus; which got me on to the fourier series; which got me on to trigonometric functions; which got me onto differential equations and
der Entscheidungsproblem; which got me on to symbolic logic which got me on to.........




how was YOUR weekend??? ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm..Yeah, I do that too..Go on and on and on making connections until I can't even remember what started it all! Apparently I've come to realize that people don't exactly care to follow, really, though it's quite sad, in a sense I'm just talking to myself..... :)

My weekend has been pretty uneventful....yours?

What'd you think of poseidon?

4:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I take back that uneventful statement....I went to a barbeque at a relatives house and my cousin (well, sort-of my cousin, nevermind) spent a half an hour trying to get her dog which had run out in the field...let me tell you, that dog does not like to listen!! :) Anyway...

5:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dropped a jar of pickles and tried to salvage the ones that hadn't hit the floor.

ive decided pickles are infinitely better without the glass shards.

5:58 PM  
Blogger Comrade Kevin said...

I drank a whole bottle of wine last night, then danced around my house in my underwear.

Don't ask me what prompted me to have a little private party like that. Someone must have laced that wine with a bit too much happy.

I'm just thankful it was my own house and I didn't bring it over to a friends for dinner. That might have led to one of those parties you pinky swear never to talk about ever again!

8:27 PM  
Blogger AMackid said...

just about the sexiest thing any man has ever written in response to one of my postings: (from oz-brooster, of course)

Well, there's a big difference in the dynamic of the medium between liquids and EMF. An EMF pulse is self sustaining without external medium as it kind of creates its own after the fashion of Faraday's law. Electric field generates magnetic field which generates electric field and so on at radio wavelengths dependent on the frequency of the pulse. Thus no physical media is required for the wave to propagate. And this is the principle by which it uses its re-generative magnetic field to disrupt other electron movement, thus creating a functional electron flow anomaly. (Unless a Faraday cage exists around the targeted equipment of course, rendering the EMF impenetrable.) However in the case of fluid kinetics, its the movement of the very medium itself that causes wave propagation, and that involves the displacement of mass. Fairly substantial amounts of, obviously, and there is no exchange of energy type. So to combat a rogue wave, which is basically a mass of water moving at velocity, with a counter wave, you need at least sufficient force to accelerate a similar mass to get it started. As Master Newton explained, if you jump off a boat it will move away from you. The same applies. If you attempt to generate sufficient mass acceleration forward of water, it's going to throw the boat backwards. A ship's hull is invariably designed to create the smallest bow wave possible for exactly this reason. Minimal drag.

6:20 AM  
Blogger AMackid said...

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6:20 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...


I don't believe you,

I don't believe you had meatloaf.

tee hee hee

9:45 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

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9:45 AM  
Blogger AMackid said...

any wonder WHY i am smitten??? :D

6:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope, none at all. ;)

2:25 PM  
Blogger Kevin Eade said...

In answer to your question, I decided to derive the conclusion from statistical analysis. The first variable is that you have a brain and you’re not afraid to use it. This theory can be supported by your mention of differential equations, as well as showing the logical progression of thought, to begin with one idea and arrive at a logical end-point. This variable is enough to intimidate roughly 25% of the male population. The fact that you offer supporting logic, described in coherent, well formed sentences is enough to induce intimidation in yet another 15%, or approximately 40% of all males.

Variable number two is the fact that you have an incredibly gifted imagination. This is proven by your ability to express yourself with a combination of wit and intelligence, producing very well constructed and entertaining stories. This great command of the written word, showing a highly developed ability of communication through self-expression can tend to be intimidating to the segment of the male population whose main contribution, while over dinner, to a conversation consists of “How ‘bout those Bears?”. Let’s say that this will add an additional 20% to the tally, bringing it up to 60%.

The third variable is that you are very attractive. When you add the attractiveness factor into the equation, a good number of the remaining males, undaunted by the first two variables, will fall prey to number three. In considering the male population as a whole, we will add an additional 25% that will succumb to the intimidation caused by the third variable and we are now at 85% of the male population.

The fourth and final variable is one that encompasses intangibles beyond anyone’s control. These intangibles would include being gay, infirm, a hermit, a monk living in seclusion and that segment of the population that spends so much time riding in the fast lane of the “information super highway”, that they forget to go outside and participate in the human experience. In consideration of this last variable, we will add an additional 14.44%, making the final total 99 & 44/100% of the male population. This basically causes the ability to meet the right person to rest upon fate and chance encounters.

Now that we have analytically evaluated all of the statistical data, in essence, the reason you are still single defies logic. If someone were to encounter a potential spouse that possesses even one or two of the aforementioned variables, they should consider themselves fortunate. So, in considering the fact that you possess all four variables, then statistically, you should have been married about twenty years ago. I only hope that, along the way, anyone that has had the opportunity to be in that position is now in therapy in order to realize the potential of what it was that they lost and didn’t notice what was right in front of them.

Me in DC

PS – Ahhhh, no flashing icons on this site to cause seizures in the unwary. :)

3:20 PM  
Blogger AMackid said...

right, and i swore i'd get all the mileage i could out of this pun (with all apologies to aj, who is the undisputed master of the pun)

is that all i am to you men? a MATH equation?


(someone call 911........)

3:40 PM  

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