Tuesday, August 22, 2006

oh Lord, i never should have started them on the catnip...

... this is all my fault....

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

;).....You must really love your cats!
But as I said before, they can just be so darn cute and lovable!

And I still don't understand where people get all these ideas for cat food/treats...I mean, cat food is cat food right? Why so many different kinds? :)

11:00 AM  
Blogger AMackid said...

good question. once, my mother suggested my cats weren't eating their food because they didn't like the taste.

i had to point out that these were creatures that licked their own bottoms ;-)

2:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

=) this is off-subject, but i also don't understand why dogs are so excited when they get fed because they generally have the same exact food at the same time every day over and over and over again....it's almost like they think they've never had it before...I have a yellow lab, Maggie and she always gets really excited, it's kind of funny actually...

4:14 PM  
Blogger Comrade Kevin said...

I just went out and bought cat food for my cat tonight. You know, when I was growing up there was two kinds of cat food: The kind that was in the shape of an X and the kind that were like little round pellets.

Staring up and down the cat food isle its like a variable salad bar at Olive Garden these days. Indoor, outdoor, adult, kitten, hairball treatment, weight control, and on and on.

Of course I sucked up and bought my cat the expensive stuff. I went home and filled her bowl. She took one sniff and looked up at me like, "What's this crap?"

Scuze me while I go broil a fresh salmon for little precious...

8:33 PM  
Blogger AMackid said...

remember, dear, she licks her own bottom. if i did that, i'd not be nearly as partial to smoked salmon..


9:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cat Smack. Is that a verb or a noun? The mind boggles, and so might the cats.

2:27 AM  

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