the joys of internet dating: part the sixth : "i am realizing i have a "type" (redux)

the bad boy biker

the rock star

the dawg

the croc

viggo mortensen
the biker, the rockstar, the bounty hunter, the... erm.... professional aussie (what does crocodile dundee actually do??).
viggo mortensen.
what to these men all have in common, besides being amazingly sexy? (go on, admit it: dawg is just hot. you'll feel better if you do)
1) they are all hovering about the "40-50" mark.
2) they all have either a charming boyish quirk, a cool, animal-themed nickname, or are viggo mortensen.
3) all wear leather. some even kill and tan it themselves. others just look like they do.
4) all with youthful, yet masculine good looks.
5) all unspeakably cool.........
"wanted: mature, unspeakably cool man who enjoys leather. must have boyish quirk or cool, animal-themed nickname (carnivores only, please). australian accent a plus, but for bounty hunter, am willing to negotiate. sun-bleached hair and brilliant baby-blues get me every time. if you have none of the above traits, please be viggo mortensen"
Och, away 'ey go, lassie. Every theologue should know that with every 'type', there is an
'anti-type'. Kinda like snake venin. They are *everywhere*. "The Crock" is currently selling land, and collecting plastic surgery bills. "They are *everywhere*" It's a mantra.
PS: Spectemur Agendo!
*bursts out laughing*
i will NOT say dawg is hot, but i give in when it comes to Viggo.
Something bugged me about this post. I came back to it later, and found out what it was. Note the quite uncanny resemblance between the photo of yourself, and said Lord of the Rings. Seriously!
If you run fast enough, you may just catch a DNA swab...
Don't go staring in any ponds... OUCH!
I don't know why, but these type of men don't seem to be into internet dating. Maybe they have too much to do like putting shrimp on the barby or riding their Harleys into the sunset.
Well its their loss!
Well at least the list isn't awful. Could be really bad .....
at least they are not gay...:)
In addition to be incredibly HOT, Viggo Mortensen is also a genuine and cool person. And Yes - I have talked to him in person (not only in my dreams...)
Came here by way of Lil sparrow..
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