a day at the spa
as a woman that was never blessed with physical beauty, it has taken me a long time to stop wishing that one day i would wake up "angelina" and to instead adopt my own three-step philosophy towards temporal beauty that goes as follows:
1) you can't change what God gave you. all you can do is keep it clean, trim, and smelling nice.
2) as long as you do not set dogs to barking nor children to screaming, and no villagers come after you with pitchforks and torches, be happy with the way you look
and most important of all....
3) no hair below the nose
now, while i firmly believe that women should be pretty, soft and sweet-smelling, my beauty philosophy gets to be more and more difficult a mandate to fulfil the older i get: my face is cultivating so many "character lines" that i am starting to look like a street map of montreal, my breast have developed an intense yearning to become better acquainted with my hips, and as far as i can tell, my bottom is most definately not where i left it when i was 21.
i now shop for beauty products at not at the department store, but at the hardware store. all-natural green-tea and wheatgerm extract, retinol based vitamin-e antioxidant microdermabrasion intensif overnight multi-care deep wrinkle filler serums with infused oxygen and an spf 392 no longer cut it for me.
i have moved on to polyfilla. spackle has become my "secret beauty weapon"
so, in what looks to soon become a full time job, i treated myself yesterday to "a day at the spa" to recover from the damage that a week and sixty children can do to a woman already teetering on one of the outer branches of the ugly tree.
let me tell you, the prisoners in guantanamo bay have it easy.
my aesthetician is a tiny little vietnamese lady with whom i have been friends for over seven years. she alone understands my dark and terrible secrets: that if i do not visit her faithfully and regularly, i hair over like a wookie; my lush, chestnut locks soon develop demented grey highlights that make me look like pepe le pew; and that if my feet were not on the far end of my body their proximity to me would leave me emotionally scarred for years to come.
joanne is a puzzle: quiet and demure, sweet and good natured with an easy laugh, she has the ability to inflict pain that defies the strictures imposed by the geneva convention. secretly, i am convinced that joanne was trained as an aesthetician by the viet cong, and did her apprenticeship at abu ghraib. tomas a torqumada, the father of the spanish inquisition, would have put her name in for canonization. i believe she may be keeper of ceausescu's securitate handbook.
in joanne's tiny hands, i'd confess to anything: where the bodies are, my communist upbringing; that i once voted for bo bice.
in joanne's dungeon... i mean "day spa", i am soaked, scrubbed, scraped, filed, pumiced, plucked, depilated, defoliated and covered in acrylic. her main instruments of beauty are a dremel tool, a rotary sandpaper drill bit and boiling wax. and i am pretty sure her facial treatments include napalm.
for hours i am subjected to the most hideous tortures, the most painful regimes and the most invasive and embarrasing applications of hot wax (note to self: *NEVER AGAIN request the 'telly savalas'*) and - to cap it all off - i PAY her for the privilege.
and do you know what the absolute WORST part of it all is????
it doesn't do a damn bit of good.....

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many people look at themselves and point out all the flaws in their appearance, whether it be weight, "crows feet" around the eyes, wrinkles, height, etc....and yes, there are some people out there who are, let's say "repellant", but you're not one of them....you seem so be comfortable with who you are, you aren't afraid to express your personality, and that's wonderful. if someone is beautiful on the inside, it makes them that much more beautiful on the outside....and i know that i know very little about ageing, but i've observed other people, and they become okay with...i'm sure one comes to a certain point where one just accepts it...though i'm sure it takes plenty of time and getting used too...
and besides, people who are described as "drop dead gorgeous", or "breathtaking", 24/7 are generally just that and nothing more...people need to look at others in a way such as this, "wow, they're such a wonderful person with a great personality, and they are good-looking as well!" and not like this, "they're so beatiful..they're looks are just amazing...oh, and they're a wonderful person as well."
what i'm trying to say here is that you're not unpleasant or plain, but you're not "wow", either, you're in-between, above average, and that's a great place to be. people should love you first and foremost for who you are on the inside...
(continuation of above)
and then come to realize that you're beautiful on the outside as well.
you are an utter delight - and thank you the kind words, but one day you too will wake up to appreciate the old saying "inside every old person is a young person wondering what the hell hit them"
invest in retinol now, girlfriend :)
All right. :)
Come Andrea! You know who you are and what beauty you possess. Don't be swayed by those who dissuade where you want to be...go forward! Be happy! You are a good person. SMILE.
todd! you are a man of excessive kindness... though i many never forgive you for leaving me out of "ribfest" ;-)
I like your style! I think the trick is to feel beautiful. I feel beautiful when I drink a whole bunch of water. I just breathe easier.
I opted for the laser hair removal myself. Torture that I paid for and with a strong grimmace, thanked my hair removal expert every step of the way. By far the best holiday present I ever gave myself!
laser hair removal???
i'd have to cash in my life savings :)
i think you're smashing, doll.
p.s. hemorroid cream helps get rid of the bags under your eyes.
not that you need it.
i read that too... and that visine clears up the redness of spots.
both LIES!!!
i will stick to caulking and #20 grit sandpaper :)
Love and Beauty.
For me, these two go together. There's no love without beauty, or beauty without love.
I'm not just talking about people, but also scenery, art, architecture, etc.
Some people are objectively beautiful, of course, but I see them in an impersonal way, like works of art. Living statues.
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