Saturday, November 04, 2006

canadian standards of engineering excellence

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to my friends who also happen to be engineers, i ask you: whose job is it, exactly, to measure french fries and ensure that they are compliant with current legislation, and what qualifications are required for such a position?


Blogger Unknown said...

You measured them didn't you?

Don't worry, being compulsive obsessive - SO DID I!

They sent me an entire box due to the low quality I had found ...... could I borrow ten pounds of lard?

tee hee heee

9:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clearly for the signature look and improved taste that will surely attract customers, right..? ;)

whatever happened to the 3 main choices, "curly fries," "regular fries,", and "waffle fries"..?

Now, when one goes into a restaurant must one answer questions such as "length?", "thick, average, or thin?", and "time fried"?............

1:28 PM  

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