skool trip report by annie mackid

today my skool went on a really neat trip to a creamatorium. this is a cool (ha! ha!) place where dead bodies are put into humungus ovens and burned all up. first we went into the church part of the place which was really pretty, but alan kept saying stuff like "what's that smell? did someone leave the oven on?"
he is such a kidder!

alan is SUCH a kidder!
we learned all about the place and how the guverment was real worried about the stuff that came out the chimneys so they had to watch the chimey all day long on a tv screen and it was like a movie only boringer. and we learned how the ovens run at like a million degrees and that the bodies have to stay in the ovens for like two hours before they are done. alan put up his hand and asked the guy how long they had to cook before they added the potatos. ha! ha! alan is so funny.
then we got to go downstairs and see the actule ovens with like real dead bodies in them and it was like watching csi which i am not allowed to watch. the man at the crematorim opened up one of the ovens then and we got to see a real live dead body burning! it was way cool and it looked like how it would look if your dad made a fire in your fireplace with the body of your grandpa instead of logs. then he told us about how cool it is (but daingerous) when the funeral home doesn't take out a dead persons pace maker from their heart and they blow up in the oven and could maybe kill the guy working ther but then we figured if that happened he'd probably get a good deal.

ha! ha! too funny!
then they showed us whhere the cofins were all stacked up and when mr. mercer wasn't looking alan got into one of them that had a dead guy from the university in it (the guy at the crematorium said the did like ten of them every wednesday from the university) and alan started banging on the inside of the coffinn and shouting for someone to let him out until the teacher got mad and told him to stop playing with the bodies.

ha! ha! alan!
after that we walked through a really smokey room to the back and brian kept trying not to breath because he said that if you breathed the smoke or opened your mouth it was like having dead person inside you and we all kinda got grossed out and tryed not to breathe but then colleen passed out and alan wanted to play a joke on her but the teacher stopped him before he got the casket open.
then we got to go and play with the ashes of a real dead person and they were way chunkier than we thought because they come out of the ovens with the bones all broken and stuff and they have a machine that turns them into dust like the way my mom's blender does to my brothers marble colection. we got to see a artifical hip replacement thing from the old guy they just toasted and thomas wanted to take it home but the guy wouldn't let him.
then it was time to go and we were gonna go for lunch but alan said that he wanted barbecue and we all got grossed out and so we didn't. but it was a fun trip to see how dead people burn and i can't wait until the field trip to the funeral home next week!
the end.

how i love you, gomez...
wow that was good reprt annie i dont think anyone cood hav writen a bettar reprt than u cuz that was really cool how you keep talking about the ovens and thats too bad that you arent alowed to watch CSI it is a really cool show cuz they do cool stuff so thats why its cool and i hope you have fun at the funeral home! ;)
*Looks back to 3rd grade report and says, "Hey! You report here is almost as good as mine was then!" :D*
Oh .... my ......GOODNESS GRACIOUS >>>>>>>>SICK ...SICK ....SICK....
Wait a minute! I think my eyes fell out of my head..... ths where we had X.X's funeral ... the woman I used to read feminist literature too ... the one that wrote the book ....
I have been to that crematorium ... right around the corner from TDT ...
The most amazing thing about that particular church is that the coffin literally sinks into the altar at the end of the service.... and it squeeks..... first a thud, then a ping...and the coffin shakes....and then shudders ...then moans...then squeeks and sinks .....
eeppppppppppp ....:)almost died when it started ....
Now you should go to he Necropolois... followed by Mount Pleasant......
that's the place baby: parliament and welsley. and we were having fun taking turns riding up and down on the coffin elevating platform of which you speak...
it was better than wonderland '-)
No marshmallows?
This is still making me laugh after 6 years!
Almost 8 years and still going strong.
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