Sunday, March 25, 2007

the rhythm of youth

people have always asked me why it is that i am so passionately called to children's and youth ministry.

oh there are so many reasons, my friends!

i love the way they tell each other stories...
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watching them gently interact socially...
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seeing the instinctive way in which they minister to each other without adult intervention...
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watching them frolick happily together....
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seeing them play so gently with their toys....
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.... but i think i can say with all honesty that its so easy to be satified in it. indeed, any day that doesn't end in death or multiple fractures can be counted a success!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


the answer to a mystery that has no doubt been plaguing australians for years

Sunday, March 04, 2007

memories of Oz. volume II

things i have learned about australians:

they are tough:

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what for us was a lethal upper respitory disease that crippled tourism to toronto for a year is, to an australian, a refreshing beverage.

even their yogurt is menacing:
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notice how effectively the product placement people have gotten the yogurt to "lurk"

not to mention the intimidation tactics used by their trash bins:
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you'll be please to know, that as a canadian, i do as i'm told...

memories of Oz. volume I

things i have learned about australia....

in australia, the wombat is sacred:

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as my husband quipped, "of course its still "under construction". they won't be installing sattelite until monday!"