Thursday, November 30, 2006

skool trip report by annie mackid

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today my skool went on a really neat trip to a creamatorium. this is a cool (ha! ha!) place where dead bodies are put into humungus ovens and burned all up. first we went into the church part of the place which was really pretty, but alan kept saying stuff like "what's that smell? did someone leave the oven on?"

he is such a kidder!

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alan is SUCH a kidder!

we learned all about the place and how the guverment was real worried about the stuff that came out the chimneys so they had to watch the chimey all day long on a tv screen and it was like a movie only boringer. and we learned how the ovens run at like a million degrees and that the bodies have to stay in the ovens for like two hours before they are done. alan put up his hand and asked the guy how long they had to cook before they added the potatos. ha! ha! alan is so funny.

then we got to go downstairs and see the actule ovens with like real dead bodies in them and it was like watching csi which i am not allowed to watch. the man at the crematorim opened up one of the ovens then and we got to see a real live dead body burning! it was way cool and it looked like how it would look if your dad made a fire in your fireplace with the body of your grandpa instead of logs. then he told us about how cool it is (but daingerous) when the funeral home doesn't take out a dead persons pace maker from their heart and they blow up in the oven and could maybe kill the guy working ther but then we figured if that happened he'd probably get a good deal.

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ha! ha! too funny!

then they showed us whhere the cofins were all stacked up and when mr. mercer wasn't looking alan got into one of them that had a dead guy from the university in it (the guy at the crematorium said the did like ten of them every wednesday from the university) and alan started banging on the inside of the coffinn and shouting for someone to let him out until the teacher got mad and told him to stop playing with the bodies.

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ha! ha! alan!

after that we walked through a really smokey room to the back and brian kept trying not to breath because he said that if you breathed the smoke or opened your mouth it was like having dead person inside you and we all kinda got grossed out and tryed not to breathe but then colleen passed out and alan wanted to play a joke on her but the teacher stopped him before he got the casket open.

then we got to go and play with the ashes of a real dead person and they were way chunkier than we thought because they come out of the ovens with the bones all broken and stuff and they have a machine that turns them into dust like the way my mom's blender does to my brothers marble colection. we got to see a artifical hip replacement thing from the old guy they just toasted and thomas wanted to take it home but the guy wouldn't let him.

then it was time to go and we were gonna go for lunch but alan said that he wanted barbecue and we all got grossed out and so we didn't. but it was a fun trip to see how dead people burn and i can't wait until the field trip to the funeral home next week!

the end.

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Friday, November 24, 2006

dentists must be a hoot at parties

so i finally got a temporary crown put on the broken molar, which is both a relief, and rather disturbing as there is a tooth there that i know is not MY tooth. its like a zombie tooth.

still, it was wonderful catching up with my dentist, to whom i have consigned my teeth for the last 20 years or so. as i sat in the chair, waiting for the procedure to begin, a lovely turkish lady named "ozzie" (i kid you not) hooked me up to a water spigot, a suction hose (and what a strange, yet not entirely unpleasant sensation, having your tongue vacuumed is - ed) a machine that goes *ping!*, six cotton sponges to line my gums and a bite guard. then i got not one, but three injections of anasthetic. it was when i realized that my lips no longer were under my direct control was i ready for the dentist.

dr. fox: andrea! great to see you! how are you doing?

me: hi ho hay. hanccchachayy hehihihig.

dr. fox: terrific! so what have you been up to?

me: ay ang hoooohinh ho ngauhayiiiaahhh.

dr. fox: australia? really? that's amazing. when are you going?

me: hnegnedayheee

dr. fox: wow. its hot in brisbane that time of year. you have someone special there?

me: gnech! he ig a hangahim hang aaaa iiii hucccchhh hing heggy huuhhhh.

dr. fox: well, you'd have to to go all the way to australia for him! what's his name?

me: hoooccchh

dr. fox: and what does he do for a living?

me: hneee hang hennyheeehhhh. he gnaggg a hoong ayyyy ung hungagaaah gnag hang ay hanh hoogn neeng oooonngaaa ayy.

dr fox: ha! ha! still have the same sense of humour, i see. how's your mum?

dentists are such sociable creatures. i can even forgive him for the zombie tooth.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


dearest, darling bruce,

thank you so much for the care package you sent yesterday. the waterproof keyboard is indeed a great help considering the gift you have for making me laugh while i have a mouthful of hot beverage, cold beverage, or goulash. i also very much enjoyed the delicious biscuits you sent me, and have tucked a few away in the kangaroo scrotum bag that i picked up in australia on my last visit. i am told that there is no better material for keeping food fresh than a scrotum!

i was also quite delighted by the musk sticks you sent. thank you! i was drooling just reading that this delicious confection was made from sugar, "humectant" (and to think that just the other day my doctor told me that i needed more "humectant" in my diet!) sulfides and the anal secretions of a certain species of deer. i can't imagine why the rest of the world doesn't enjoy this treat as well!

now, while an interesting candy, to say the least, it elicited quite the variety of reactions here. to the uneducated palet, the flavour was described as being like "soap", "incense" and "something that's been in a closet too long". cameron said it was rather like eating mennen speed stick, and expressed a thirst for some old spice, but for all of that the packet is empty and one or two people came back for another.

sadly, nitsa didn't take too well to it. as we speak, she is sitting at her desk, sucking on an exfoliating facial cleansing pad to get the taste out of her mouth, and while MC didn't like it too much either, she did take a couple home to her kids, because as you know her hobby is messing with their heads. i will admit i did get a kick out of watching people enjoy this first taste of a rare delicacy; some of them looked as though they were nibbling on sugar plums and turkish delight. others looked as though their tastebuds were dying a horrible death; screaming in agony as they withered and died, dropping from their tongues onto the floor of their mouths like a flock of tiny little sparrows flying through a cloud of methane emitted by a very large herd of musk deer.

but i digress.

thank you for enriching us and introducing us to something we've never tasted before. personally, i actually thought it was rather tasty, but then again, i very much enjoyed 'battlefield earth'.

i love you very much my sweet baby, and cannot wait until we can share such culinary delights together. i am dying to introduce you to canadian delicacies such as poutine, which is greasy french fries, unfermented cheese curd and lumpy brown gravy (i know, i know, you are drooling already!) and will kill you as surely as a bullet; hungarian delicacies like disznoszajt which, as you already know, is the entrails of a pig, spiced, chopped and stuffed into its skull to ferment; and jewish treats like "kishkes" which is flour and goose fat wrapped in intestines. yum!

my only question, naturally, is what sort of wine might go with stuffed intestines or head cheese?

all my love, annie

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

the crowning glory

i broke a tooth over the weekend. it was a molar, and am having a crown put on today. as much as i really hate the thought of dental work, i think the way i broke the tooth is a funny story, actually. ok well, maybe not funny, but amazing anyway.

see, many of you don't realize that in my spare time, i am angelina jolie's stunt double. yes, i know many of you have commented on the resemblance, and my natural, goyischke athleticism; but really i do it out of the goodness of my heart because while the money is good, i really don't want my girl "anje" to get hurt. i mean, she's got kids and all.

so we're filming here in toronto, which is doubling for calcutta (we're at the corner of gerrard and greenwood) and the stunt co-ordinator dude, mordechai, says how cool it would be if "his little angel-ah" (yeah, that's what he calls me *giggle*) took a bullet in the ribs and then came out swinging with the scottish claymore she is using to battle the six swedish ninjas before bringing down the scud missile with the kalashnikov and riding away on her katana to do battle with the giant squid (man, this movie is gonna kick ASS!!! -ed)

so anyway, brendan gleason, who plays the evil "mustafa ibrahim bin hassan" says "yeah, that'd be cool" and fires the prop gun, only - and these prop guys can be SUCH kidders! - its REAL gun that fires at me. now, i am so totally lucky that ages ago i apprenticed to criss angel, and he taught me how catch a bullet between my teeth; so between the time the gun fires and i realize what's going down and think "ok, no biggie, its only a 9mm" i realize that i'm gonna be just a smidge too slow (shouldn't have had that extra helping of goulash for lunch, i think) its too late and i can't catch the bullet with my incisors, and so it was when i was eating hot lead that my molar cracked, and now i have to go to the #*#%$ dentist.

that frozen chocolate peanut had nothing to do with it.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

shameless plug

you really need to check out this blog.

brock is a dear friend, and a genuinely funny guy.


Sunday, November 12, 2006

do modern toy designers smoke crack?

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you be the judge.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

i am trying to get more of this in my diet

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i mean, soup is good for you. it is warm, nourishing and quite nutritious.


i definately need more in my diet.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

canadian standards of engineering excellence

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to my friends who also happen to be engineers, i ask you: whose job is it, exactly, to measure french fries and ensure that they are compliant with current legislation, and what qualifications are required for such a position?

Thursday, November 02, 2006

through my eyes

the jews teach that God does not allow any child to be born unless it has a mate. now, there are those might ask "what about those that spend their lives alone?" well, the midrash has many answers for that, but the basic principle is that every creature has its partner.

i had to wait 37 years for bruce, and it was worth every moment. i had to go through a ridiculous number of relationships that were very, very bad (likely because i am a very, very slow learner), and yet each of these experiences was worth it because through them i have learned profound lessons that have allowed me to truly appreciate this man in a way that i would not have been able to before.

you see, today is the happiest day of the year for me. it is bruce's birthday.

today, i am celebrating. no, strike that - today i am rejoicing!

i've often mentioned bruce in my writing. some of you have met him here as "oz_broooster", and come to enjoy his thoughtful, insightful and often hilarious commentary. in the better part of a year we've known one another he's become the pivot around which my life and my future revolve - and the reason that many of you have very kindly and very generously sent out internet "search parties" to see if i'd dropped off the face of the earth. but while i have alluded to him on many occassions, and expressed my feelings for him ad nauseam, i haven't actually taken the time to introduce you to the man that i know, the man that is different from every other man i have ever known; the man that i have waited 37 years for; and no, i am not going to gush - i'd simply like to lay out why it is that bruce is unlike anyone i've ever been in a relationship with, and why it is that so many of you - even without meeting him directly - can sense that he's "a keeper".

now i am not going tell you how wonderful, smart, sexy, intelligent, clever, sensuous, passionate, funny and sweet he is. while those things are all entirely true; as it was once pointed out to me, those are things that i have said about previous lovers. no, i will only leave here, as a testament, the things about bruce that set him apart from the others.

bruce has made himself into a remarkable man. oh, he assures me that there was a time when he was not nearly as refined as the man i have come to know and love, but unlike other men that i have known who simply talk about the need for self-improvement in the abstract, bruce has intentionally undertaken a difficult spiritual journey that has involved an enormous amount of candor, self-reflection and analysis; and an active, determined drive to change those parts of him, as best as he can, that do not adhere to God's law and intentions, and basic human decency.

his overall character is immensely likable - indeed, before i ever realized that i loved him, i liked him tremendously and quickly came to consider him a close and dear friend - someone that i knew i'd enjoy hanging out with; someone that fits the australian definition of "a mate" as i have come to understand it. my earliest impressions were simply of how much i enjoyed his company, his fierce intelligence, his conversation, his openness and affability. he has a very welcoming, confident presence about him; he gives one the impression that he is comfortable inside his own skin, and that when he looks in the mirror, he likes what he sees. yet for all of that, he is no proverbial "nice guy": he's no pushover. there's an edge to him, a darkness and a danger that lurks not too far below the surface. he gives the you sense that he is a man that can inflict serious hurt, but lives each moment intentionally choosing not to; choosing to live in kindness and gentleness instead.

bruce has made himself into a man of great integrity. he's a man that is up front about what he'll do, and he does what he says he will. while he is a man of great creativity, he is not one prone to idle flights of fancy: when he gets it into his head that he wants something, he is able to apply common sense, determination and focus to the problem. he has worked as hard as i have to make both our dream come true: it is bruce that has been doing most of the legwork on how it is that i can transfer schools and immigrate.

he has a mind like lightning - powerful, incisive, and one that is sometimes prone to zig-zagging about madly - and to me, that is a characteristic i couldn't live without in a partner. i have had relationships with men who were funny, clever, and good with words - but bruce goes beyond simply amusing: he has genuine wit; and his gift with wordplay is remarkable. he can begin a pun in one paragraph, divert your attention like a magician for another two or three, change direction once or twice then slip you the punchline when you least expect it, and still have it all make delightful sense. the impact of his gift with words often leaves me breathless with laughter.

he has the strong heart and loving soul of a pastor - his friends come to him for support, advice, caring and someone who will give up important parts of his day to be there for another. i have never once known him to begrudge this, though sometimes it has cost him time out of his own busy day.

and the one thing that amazes me above all: he has the ability to bring out the best in people. i am a testament to that. having been with someone that brought out the absolute worst in me, i am simpy astounded at the person i am with bruce. people have commented on it: i am told i seem more relaxed and happier; i have been told that i too, seem to be very comfortable inside my own skin, that i smile constantly, that there is a glow about me. my own mother tells me i have become more patient, approachable and open. old friends i run into ask me what's changed; tell me i seem "different", and that they like the change, whatever it is. this has only come about since meeting bruce. he makes me feel safe, protected, cared for, respected and supported. even when he disagrees with a course of action i have chosen, he is open to hearing my reasoning, is willing to reflect on it and remind me that i already know that whatever i choose, he will be behind me 100%.

now, as some people have seen elsewhere in cyberspace, it doesn't mean that my tolerance for B/S has been upped by so much as a decimal point; but this is a man so sure of God's guiding, steadying hand in our lives that he can look me in the eye and say "baby, don't you think i know what you are capable of? and don't think for a moment that is diminishes my love for you at all." he inspires my faith, guides me deeper into a life in Christ - he has become my guide, my partner, my best friend; we pray together, study scripture together, plan a life of ministry together, laugh together, and can talk about anything from the nature of God to leech attacks. in six months we have never quarrelled, never exchanged a harsh word, never disagreed on anything we couldn't work through with love, respect, prayer, reflection and honesty; and i know that coming third in his life, behind God and his son, is absolutely the right place for me to be.

i love you bruce, and i know that in 20 years i will look back on this piece, written at a time when i had only scratched the surface, and i will reflect fondly back on these early days and think "what did i know then?"

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happy birthday, my heart.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

i don't know what to think

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exactly how bad an employer do you have to be to make offering a paycheck your number one recruitment point?